This journal acknowledges and encourages interdisciplinary research in network technology and communication realated areas with scope to address mankind. It will publish review articles, original research papers, method papers and short articles in network technology areas. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
Topics : ( Not Limited to below topics )
Communication Network :
Ad-Hoc, Mobile, Wireless Networks and Mobile Computings Quantum Computing, Coding and Error Controls Agent Computings, Multi-Agents Systems, Spectrum Rights, Open Spectrum Solutions, Quality of Services, Communication Protocols Satelite, Optical Communication Systems, 3G / 4G Network Evolutions, CDMA / GSM Communication Protocols, Mobile Computing for e-Commerces and any topics related Computer Networks.
Information Security :
Cryptography, Foundation of Computer Security, Authentication Issues, Any topics related PKI ( Public Key Intrastructures ) IDS/Firewall, Anti-Spam mail, Anti-virus issues, Wireless Access Security, Network Security Applications, Biometric authentication and algorithms. Fingerprint / Hand/ Biometrics Recognitions and Technologies IC-card Security, OTP and Key Management Issues E-comerce, Ubiquitous, RFID, Applications any topics related ISO SC-27 and SC-17 standards.
Theory of Parallel Processings and Distributed Computings, Foundations of High-performance Computings Combinatorics, Graph Theory and analysis of Algorithms Artifial Intelligences ( A.I. ), Pattern / Image Recognitions, Neural Networks, Biomedical Simulations, Virtual Visions, 3-D Object Retrievals, Virtual Simulations, Data Minings, Web Image Minings, Applications Data Base ( D.B. ) Management & Information Retrievals, All topics related Image / Signal Processings.