A Study of Asynchronous Routing Protocols in Peer to Peer Networks

International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT)          
© 2014 by IJPTT Journal
Volume - 4 Issue - 1                          
Year of Publication : 2014
Authors : D Arun Kumar Reddy , T Sunil Kumar Reddy


D Arun Kumar Reddy , T Sunil Kumar Reddy. " A Study of Asynchronous Routing Protocols in Peer to Peer Networks ". International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT), V4(1):29-34 Jan - Feb 2014, ISSN:2249-2615, www.ijpttjournal.org. Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.


Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a self organized and self configurable network where the mobile nodes move arbitrarily. It is a collection of multi-hop wireless mobile nodes that communicate with each other without centralized control or established infrastructure. The wireless links in this network are highly error prone and can go down frequently due to mobility of nodes, interference and less infrastructure. Therefore, routing in MANET is a critical task due to highly dynamic environment. In recent years, several routing protocols have been proposed for mobile ad hoc networks and prominent among them are DSR, AODV and TORA. This research paper provides an overview of these protocols by presenting their characteristics, functionality, benefits and limitations and then makes their comparative analysis so to analyze their performance. The objective is to make observations about how the performance of these protocols can be improved.


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