Frothy Privacy-Preserving and Safe Fax Procedure for Cross Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT)          
© 2016 by IJPTT Journal
Volume - 6 Issue - 1
Year of Publication : 2016
Authors : S.Jagadeesan, C.Ramya
DOI :  10.14445/22492615/IJPTT-V23P402


S.Jagadeesan, C.Ramya "Frothy Privacy-Preserving and Safe Fax Procedure for Cross Ad Hoc Wireless Networks". International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT), V6(1):20-30 Jan - Feb 2016, ISSN:2249-2615,, Published by Seventh Sense Research Group.


We planfrothyprocedure for gettingfax and preserving users’ anonymity and location privacy in cross ad hoc networks. Symmetric-keycryptography plus and expense system are used to safe route find and data transmission. To reduce the overhead, the expense can be safed without submitting or processing expense proofs (receipts). To preserve users’ anonymity with low overhead, we develop efficient pseudonym generation and trapdoor skills that do not use the resource-consuming asymmetric-key cryptography. Pseudonyms do not require large storage area or frequently contacting a central unit for refilling. Our trapdoor technique uses only frothy hashing plus. This is important because trapdoors may be processed by a large number of nodes. Developing low-overhead safe and privacypreserving procedure is a real challenge due to the inherent contradictions: 1) getting the procedure requires each node to use one real identity, but a permanent identity should not be used for privacy preservation; and 2) the low overhead requirement contradicts with the large overhead frequently needed for preserving privacy and getting the fax. Our analysis and simulation results demonstrate that our procedure can preserve privacy and safe the fax with low overhead.


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Our analysis and simulation results demonstrate that our procedure can preserve privacy and safe the fax with low overhead.