Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks and Associated Risks

International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT)          
© 2020 by IJPTT Journal
Volume-10 Issue-3
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : P Aishwarya Naidu, Satvik Vats,Pooja Chadha, Rajeshwari K


MLA Style:P Aishwarya Naidu, Satvik Vats,Pooja Chadha, Rajeshwari K "Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks and Associated Risks" International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology 10.3 (2020): 18-25.

APA Style:P Aishwarya Naidu, Satvik Vats,Pooja Chadha, Rajeshwari K(2019). Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks and Associated Risks. International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology, 10(3),18-25.


We are transforming into a new era of technology in which everything around us is ‘smart’, be it our home appliances, our work related gadgets or even our cities, everything is turning into an interactive and connected collection of technologically advanced devices, where each and everything is managed such that the resources are used in a sustainable way and our needs are also fulfilled. The transportation or vehicular movement of people or goods is one such necessity that has created a lot of chaos in our cities. Our travel infrastructure is not able to cope up with the expansion in the vehicular traffic on roads as it should have been. Thus, leading to a complete mismanagement of traffic which ultimately adds to the suffering of people in form of loss of life and property due to road accidents, adverse environmental impacts in form of increased emissions from vehicles in congested traffic and it also causes a complete failure of public transport systems in the cities. It is due to this failure of public transport systems that a strong need for a technologically innovative solution focused on vehicle management is needed. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) is one such solution which provides us with a dedicated network interconnecting vehicle to one another and to the roads is being developed and researched across the globe to make our vehicles ‘smart’ and ready for the new ‘smart’ world that we have dreamt of. Although, VANETs are extremely useful and are the need of the hour, there are a few risks associated with them. This paper outlines the security and privacy threats associated with these networks that need to be taken care of before placing any such system in use.


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Vehicular ad hoc networks, Wireless, Security, Attacks